“If you then being evil (or natural) know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask Him?” (Matt.7:11).

Jesus came to reveal to us that God is our Father who loves us a father loves his children.  What does this really mean?  Some have difficulty with knowing God as Father who loves them because their natural fathers did not love them.  How can they know of God’s love when love from their natural father is deficient?  We must not assume that it’s an easy transition to make.

Many children have mixed feelings about their father’s love.  Some have no relationship with their father at all.  Yet, I have never met a father who said they do not love their children.  They may not be at home.  They may not tell their children they love them.  They may never give them a hug.  But fathers will still say they love their children.  I believe many men love their children as best that they know, but are frustrated because they know they can do better.

A documentary on a former professional athlete, Lawrence Taylor, who played linebacker for the New York Giants, gave an interview regarding his struggle with using drugs.  It was no secret that his drug habit interfered with his personal life, but he played football at superstar level.

Soon in the interview, the topic came up concerning his son and LT broke down in tears. His emotions were so overwhelming, he couldn’t continue the interview.  He left without saying another word, but his cry seemed to convey, he knew that even though he was a superstar football player, he had not been a good father to his son. And it was tearing him apart.

It’s this way with many fathers.  It’s not easy for them to remain at home.  There are many challenges to confront and overcome.  It’s much easier for him to build his life outside of the home.  Maybe his drinking and doing drugs is an attempt to null the pain because he wants to be a better father, but does not know how.

Fathers, no man is perfect, and we all fall short in some way.  We may be surprised to learn that our children may not need as much as we think they need.  We may be harder on ourselves than we have to be.  If we would listen to our children, they just want to know that their father loves them.
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Questions for reflection and discussion:

From a father’s point of view, how can they demonstrate love to their children?

From a child’s point of view, what does a child desire from the father?

What do mothers want to see in the relationship between fathers are children?

We are helping fathers connect to their children.  Take a moment to plant a seed for bringing healing and restoration to the fathers and men in your life.  God is turning the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers.  Plant your seed today through our secure link at http://www.faithcommunitychurchlumberton.org/online-giving/


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