And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord. (Eph 6:4)

Many men do not accept the responsibility as spiritual leaders in the home because they expect pastors to do it.  We need spiritual leaders in the church, but these cannot replace the man as a spiritual leader in the home.  God expects fathers to teach the children and lead the family in the way of righteousness.

This takes nothing away from the women.  Neither does it promote the idea that women should be passive and quiet.  Instead women become empowered when husband and wife, father and mother work together as one.  This is a continuous challenge that every family sooner or later faces.

We’ve had models from the previous generation where fathers were basically expected to bring home the bacon.  And women stayed in the home and raised the children.  Men were not expected to be engaged in the child’s nurture.

We also have models of women’s liberation movement.  Women now postpone getting married and having children because they have their careers.  In many ways they make more money than the men.  The women can take care of the children and take care of themselves.  The discussion today for some women is this; “Why do I need a man in my life?”
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Neither of these models is right.  We can learn from both, and we can do better.   There is a better way.  We can get it right.  Why should we seek to get it right?  It’s because in both models, our children are suffering.  In many cases our children are not receiving the loving nurture of mother and father.  The woman who believes she can live without a man and the man who has not been engaged in a child’s development are both missing something special — the joy of seeing a loving father play with the child, read to the child, and help the child learn about life.

Fathers cannot escape this responsibility to be spiritual leaders in the home.  He cannot pass it to the pastor, the bishop, or anyone else.  God holds him responsible to be a priest in his home to lead the family.

Neither does the father’s responsibility stop when the child turns 18 years old.  As long as they live, children continue to need fathers.  Not only should men be just spiritual leaders in the home, but many children outside the home need mentors.  Therefore, there is a great need for “honoring men” and “connecting fathers with children.”

Join with us. Pray for us.  Support us in our campaign to Honor our Fathers, and Connect Fathers with Children.  Request free lessons for guiding men to develop in fatherhood.  Support with your donation today.  Help us make a difference in the lives of children.

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