In Search of Fathers

For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ,yet you do not have many fathers; …  (1 Cor.4:14).

Any person can teach a child to ride a bike, but something special happens when a father does it.  The driver’s education teacher can teach the student to drive a car, but something special happens when the father gets from behind the wheel and gives the keys to his son.  A teacher is paid to teach, but the father does it because it’s his son.

In the world today, we are bombarded with all types of theories and philosophies about life, and none are fixing our problems.  Of the many ways we seek solutions; maybe we are overlooking a very basic thing we should return.  It is the responsibility and role of fathers.

The church has often used the term “spiritual father” to refer to pastors and bishops.  However, a “spiritual father” is not limited to these.   A “spiritual father” is not interested in being called the name per se.  Instead, a “spiritual father” is the man who recognizes the importance of spiritual development in a child’s life.  He lives a life of humble submission to the Heavenly Father because he recognizes he needs God’s help to become a good father.

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Paul used the word “ten thousand instructors.”   This refers to good teachers.   Many give us good words to learn from, but don’t give us good examples to live by.    A spiritual father is one who seeks to live in such a way to teach the value of moral attributes. A spiritual father is not just interested in what the child knows.  He’s also interested in how the child should live.  Many can teach good lessons, but a spiritual father is interested in living to please the Heavenly Father.

What’s the difference between a teacher and a father? How can men better fulfill their responsibilities as spiritual fathers?

These are questions worth exploring so men may be encouraged to fulfill their responsibility as spiritual fathers and leaders.  Pray with us or Join us in our campaign to Connect Fathers and Sons.  Our children need fathers. Take the challenge. Get involved. Become a spiritual father.

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