You were designed for greatness. Your identity of being made in the image of God has attributes greatness. The promise God made with Abraham also belongs to those who believe on Jesus Christ.  I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. (Gen 12:2)

You have the potential to become much greater than you currently are.  The “real you” on the inside of you has the capacity to grow, multiply, and increase.   From birth to death, you have this opportunity – Become Great!

Many think that because they are grown in physical statue, they are also developed in spirit.  However, physical growth is almost automatic with proper nutrition, but spiritual growth is not.  It requires hard work, warfare, and sacrifice.  This brings change on the inside before it manifest on the outside.

Lasting change and real growth into greatness come from a new self-image.  A baby boy has the potential to be a man, but may not necessarily develop qualities of manhood.  He must develop into manhood.  A young girl has the potential to become a woman. Her physical attributes develop almost automatically.  However, she must also develop on the inside in spirit to be a “real woman.”

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Self image is like a magnet, attracting and repelling, like or unlike qualities into life experiences.    Life does not happen to us, life happens through us.  Our thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors attract and repel people and experiences in our lives.

Therefore, stop focusing on what’s happening to you and around you, and give attention to what God is doing within you.  There’s more on the inside seeking to be manifested on the outside.

… because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4

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