Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new (2 Cor. 5:17).

If God has promised so many blessings, then why do Christians not experience them?  Are you worthy to receive God’s goodness?  I believe many Christians would hesitate to answer in the affirmative. Too many would think how they’ve messed up and made mistakes in life.  If this is how you feel, you can be hindering yourself from receiving more of what God has for you.

Your self-image is foundational for what you receive in life.  If you do not believe you are worthy to receive good things then you’ll sabotage your own blessings as they come near.   A good self-image tends to attract good things, while a bad self-image often attracts bad things.  With bad self-images, you limit yourself from receiving more of what you can have.

These bad images can be ingrained in the sub-conscious even from childhood. Even without knowing it, we can hinder ourselves.  Our bad self-images must be challenged and eradicated.  We are worthy to eat the good of the land.  God saw our worth and value even when we were sinners. This is why God sent Jesus to die for us.  God knows our worth, and therefore we should recognize our worth also.
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If you’re going to fulfill God’s plan for your life, you’ve got to have confidence in your new identity in Christ Jesus.  Being saved is not only for the purpose of going to heaven.  Being saved is also for fulfilling God’s plan for your life on the earth.

When you see that you are made in the image and likeness of God, you can love others even when they’re difficult to love.  You may not always get from others what you need.  But with your new identity in Christ, you can rise above any challenge you face.  Be brave. Be strong.  Be confident.  Develop an image of your wonderful new self, enjoying all the goodness of God.

Begin seeing that you are worthy to receive the good of the land. God has chosen you to set you above and not beneath.  God has called you to reign with Him in the earth.  God lives on the inside of you.  Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. You are in the earth, but you have authority from heaven.   Walk in your authority as a new creature in Christ Jesus.  You are definitely worth it.

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