More of Him

Many are hungry and thirsty for more of God.  They long to experience more of His glory and goodness.  They desire a closer walk with Him, but something seems to hold them back.

“His glory is great in Your salvation; Honor and majesty You have placed upon him” (Ps 21:5).

When Christ is in you, great glory is within you.  This year, resolve to let the greatness of His glory come forth.    Stop focusing on what’s happening around you and give attention to His glory within you. Also, be willing to lay aside the things that get in the way.

It’s often not the big things, but the little things that hinder you from moving forward.  Therefore, lay aside and be willing to give up something for more of God’s Presence can manifest in your life.  Let us acknowledge the weights and sins that prevent us from coming forward. This Moravian Prayer is a good place to start.

“Compassionate Lord, you call us to a higher standard than we have achieved. We therefore bow in honest confession of those thoughts, words, and deeds which have missed the mark. Within our families, we have loved imperfectly. Among sisters and brothers in the church, we have not fully walked in the light. Often our congregations have not reflected the rich diversity of people in our communities. In our witness to the world, our lives have not adequately testified to your redeeming power. Forgive us, gracious Lord, for permitting ourselves to be distracted from the goal of our discipleship. Heal the brokenness of our hearts and restore us to you, our first love.”  (From
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Remember, there is no condemnation for those who live in union with Christ Jesus.  Listen to the gentle love of our Lord: “I do not condemn you. Go, but do not sin again.”

Many feel too weak to overcome the things of the flesh.  This is why God gave us one another.  We all need accountability and support from others in the body of Christ.  Therefore, let’s strengthen our bound of unity in the body of Christ.  In getting closer to God, we must get closer to one another.  There’s no way around it.

If you desire a closer connection with others, check out Pastors and Ministers Accountability Network Group.  For those who hunger for more of Him, this could be an answer to your prayer.  For more information go to:

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