One of the first and greatest battles one must overcome when they desire to please God is that of overcoming issues concerning finances. You can desire to do more to show God’s love, but you are limited if you don’t have the money.  The enemy does not want you to magnify your love by giving to others and therefore will frustrate you in the area of finances.  Making money is not only hard work.  It’s spiritual warfare.  But you have what it takes to overcome all the power of the enemy – including poverty and lack.

Making money is not only to meet your own needs, but to demonstrate God’s love by giving your life away. If you do not have resources, you’re limited in touching others with God’s love.  If you don’t have it, you can’t give it.  Your influence becomes limited in its reach to impact others.  Therefore anyone who desires to demonstrate God’s love by giving more must also recognize the warfare concerning finances.  Start where you are and be faithful in giving.

During the season of Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.  It is also a season where we demonstrate that just as God is a Giver, we also give.  We give gifts to one another.  It’s not only during the season that believers should give, but giving is at the core of who believers are.  Believers are givers.  Therefore do not allow the economy and financial challenges keep you from giving.  Budget you income and learn to be a cheerful giver.

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 Give away your life; you’ll find life given back, but not merely given back — given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity.”   (Luke 6:38, Message Bible)

Look for opportunities to give.  Be faithful in giving. As you give more, you become aware that abundance is all around.  There is no lack in the earth.  It’s only an inability to recognize it, and receive it.  As you give, you should also recognize that abundance is all around you.  You’ll be able to find greater satisfaction, fulfillment, abundance, and enjoyment in life by developing this very simple principle.  Be a giver today.

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