A pastor shared his story of experiencing break-down from the pressures of ministry.  It happened twice.  The first time he tried to commit suicide by taking a bottle of sleeping pills.  He commented that this first time, he denied he had a problem.  The second time however, he thought he could handle the problem. Both cases proved harmful and almost fatal, but he survived.

Many pastors, ministers, and pastors’ wives pursue ideals of “ministry success,” but often do not recognize how their pursuits are affecting other important things. In pursuit of the “ideal ministry,” they overlook warning signs of how ministry affects their marriage, their family, and even their very own lives. Their view is very similar to the pastor who had his two break-downs.  Either, they deny the warning signs of danger or they don’t know what to do with them.

Anyone who seeks to serve God’s people should know they are not alone in their struggles.  However, meaningful solutions to their problems are not easily found.  Some may find help at seminars and conferences, but these do not usually offer the ongoing needed support.  Therefore, helping those who serve others in ministry is a critical need in the body of Christ.

Here are two opportunities of interest.  First, request a copy of my e-book, Ministry Balance. It addresses some of these issues and provides options for getting help.  It’s free of charge.  Request it here: http://www.faithcommunitychurchlumberton.org/media-2/

Second, inquire information on the upcoming teleconference “Pastors and Ministers Accountability Network.”  It offers pastors, ministers, and pastors’ wives easy ways for finding connection, accountability, encouragement, and hope, as they seek to fulfill their call in ministry.   Request information at: http://www.faithcommunitychurchlumberton.org/pastors-and-ministers-network/

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