Build Your Team

If one can put a thousand to flight, two can put ten thousand to flight (See Deut. 32:30).

At a fair in the Midwest, spectators gathered for an old fashioned horse pull (an event where various weights are put on a horse-drawn sled and pulled along the ground). The grand-champion horse pulled a sled holding 4,500 pounds. The runner-up was close, with a 4,400-pound pull. Some of the men wondered what the two horses could pull if they were hitched together. Separately they totaled nearly 9,000 pounds, but when hitched and working together as a team, they pulled over 12,000 pounds.

If you are serious about fulfilling your dreams, the most important decision you’ll make is in selecting your team! Who will you have around you to work with you for accomplishing your goals? Therefore, build your team and experience the multiplied power of teamwork.

Samuel Chand who teaches success strategies for churches and other organizations says that when building your team, you should consider this question — Who’s holding your ladder?

To change a light bulb in your kitchen or bedroom, you don’t need anyone to hold your ladder. But if you go on the roof of a two story building you need a ladder holder. The higher you go, the more you’ll need a ladder holder.

What kind of person is holding your ladder?
A. Do you have to constantly remind them to hold steady?
B. Are they casual or intentional in their holding?
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D. Do they have a firm grip on the “ladder”?

A ladder has two sides which can represent two important things for building your team — your VALUES and your VISION. Therefore build team around these. Seek others with similar vision and interest. Also seek to know their values, and how they might be similar to your own. Values are the deeper things that motivate people to do what they do, and how they do it. Therefore, surround yourself with people who have share in your values and vision.

You can become part of another team already in existence that has similar values and vision. As you support others who have a similar vision, you are finding support for your own. In doing so, you also become accountable to someone.

When you become accountable, you accomplish much more. For example, the person who wants to develop in physical conditioning hires a coach or trainer to push him beyond his comfort levels into great levels of pain. His commitment and accountability causes him to persevere and endure. He accomplishes much more than what he could accomplish alone. The pain of being pushed can be great, but winners welcome the challenge because they know the rewards are worth it.

The same principle of accountability applies in accomplishing your dreams. Your power increases and forward momentum goes to another level. Therefore lay out a plan for recruiting mentors, partners, and team members for pursuing your dreams. This is the most important thing you can do for going to the next level.

PS. If you desire to strengthen relationships with others who use these principles for building teams, let us know by e-mail which group or groups you have an interest: 1. Business and Entrepreneurship, 2. Community Improvement, or 3. Ministry and Morality. Also send this e-mail to others who may also have an interest. And Remember Don’t Delay. Start Today. Build Your Team!

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