You don’t get what you want because you don’t ask God.  Or when you ask, you don’t receive anything, because the reason you ask is wrong. You only want to use it for your own pleasure. (Ja.4:2-3)

Sometimes people may say; “If God wanted me to have something He would give it to me.”  God already knows the desires of our hearts, but still expects us to ask for what we want.  And when we ask, we should ask for the right reasons.  The Bible says, “You have not because you ask not.”  And then you ask and receive not because you have the wrong motives.

To traditional version uses the word “to ask amiss.”  This means to ask for things that arebad, diseased, evil, grievous, miserable, sick, harmful, ill, wicked, worthless, depraved, or injurious.”   A person would not ask for these things, knowing that the thing fits this description.   But sometimes in seeking to satisfy our feelings for pleasure, we can adversely affect our relationship with God.  This makes it bad, wicked, depraved and injurious.

In the OT, God gave the children of Israel what they asked because they persisted in seeking something that would satisfy their pleasure, but it angered God.

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I do not believe that God was angry because it was pleasurable, but when we pleasure to replace the things that lead to true happiness and fulfillment.  Instead of following God’s diet of manna and water, they insisted on satisfying their own taste with quail.  And in doing so, God gave them their request, but sent leanness into their souls.  In their persistence, God gave them their request, but it adversely affected their relationship with God.

Nothing is wrong with enjoying pleasure per se, except that pleasure does not lead to happiness, and can lead to addiction and bondage.  People who seek pleasure to be happy, seek to escape the pain of discipline and soon become miserable.  For example, the person who experiences drugs to feel good will live for the pleasure and soon becomes miserable from the bondage of addiction.  Likewise, when we ask for the blessings of God’s promise, we must also experience discipline in doing the things that please God.

Therefore, many people are not receiving the things they desire because they do not ask.  And when they ask, they ask for the wrong reasons.  They are too consumed with only pleasing themselves.  Instead of being willing to sacrifice their own self interest with some discipline, sacrifice, and self-control, they live according to feelings, and are only happy when they get what they want.   However, to receive the things that lead to true happiness, we must ask for it, and also be willing to endure some pain and discomfort to receive it. Learn to ask for what you want, and ask for the right reasons.

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