How is Your Love LIfe?

Love is probably the most used and most misunderstood word in the human language.  Love means many things to many people.  A child may say “I love ice cream.”  A lady will say, “I love shopping.” A young boy has feelings for a little girl and says, “I love you.”    We can know the feelings attached to these sayings, but we may not know the essence of how “love” should motivate us in all of life.

Jesus qualified the type of love we should have.  He said; A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. ” John 13:34 

John, the apostle later said; God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him. … for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? 1 Jn.4:16, 20

Mother Theresa, on one occasion, when asked the secret to her success in ministry said, “I simply see the face of God in every person.”  When she looked into the face of anyone, she didn’t just see the face of that person she considered it as looking in the face of God.

Therefore, there is something of God that can be seen in each person we meet.  We have opportunities to experience the presence of God every time we have contact any person we meet.  As we look into their eyes, we can know of the untapped potential that every person is made in the image of God.
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The story is told by Dr. Maxwell Maltz, a prominent plastic surgeon specialist.  A man was severely burned in failed attempt to rescue his parents from a fire.  The man went into seclusion, refusing to let anyone into his life.  The wife went to Dr. Maltz, in desperation believing that he could correct the man’s face from the burn.  Even though Dr. Marltz told the woman he could probably help, the man refused to come out.  So when the woman came back to see Mr. Maltz, she surprised him with her plan.  She said, if my husband won’t let me into his world because of how he looks, she asked Dr. Marltz if he could change her face to look like her husband’s burned face.  She said, maybe if I become like him, he will let me back into his world.

This is what Jesus did for us so that we might be motivated to live for Him.  He left his throne of glory to come into a world to identify with our pains and struggles so that we might be willing to come out of our lives of seclusion to live for Him.

It may be a stretch for us to be willing to do what the woman wanted to do for her husband.  But this is the type of love we strive to develop.  It represents the type of sacrifice Jesus gave for us.

But we can increase our love life by being reminded that as we look into the face of anyone, we are gazing upon the very image of God. Therefore, the least we should do is to be more patient with people. Be more tolerant with people.  Be more forgiving of people.  We should honor people.  We should respect people.  We dare not speak harshly against people.  Instead, we speak words that bring out the best in people. This is how we show our love for God.

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1 Response to "How is Your Love LIfe?"

  1. I throught I was ok in the arena of loving others until I read this blog tonight.I repent for I need to ask God to help me in the area of not giving up on people so soon. I was reminded they can pull on you and wear you out,still not to get it as soon as you think they might but my time is not always the timing of God ,and he has not given up on me. I am in no way perfect. I ask God to forgive me ,as well as give me the strenght to see him in others more,so I will not cast a diamond in the ruff to the side before it has been perfected by God. God help me to love others and be more like you!